Las Vegas, baybay!

Wed, Feb 11, 2015

Las Vegas, baybay!

If you know me at all, Las Vegas seems like…sort of the last place on earth I would want to vacation. BUT we live 4 hours from it, I’ve never been, and it’s like an american past time! I had tried once before to road trip there with my best friend, but enough people convinced us that we would be kidnapped and killed that we opted for Palm Springs instead. All that to say, I still needed to live out my college girl day dreams of prancing around Sin City with George Clooney in Oceans 11. So the weekend before last, Nate (hello, so much better than George) and I decided to spend one night in Las Vegas and see all we could within the 24 hours we would spend there.

The city was honestly, SO much cleaner and cooler than I thought it would be. We walked the strip, brunched at Mon Ami Gabi(our gf eggs benedict and french toast are below. heaven.), shopped, visited all the big hotels and casinos, got some frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity 3, had a shmancy dinner and even gambled a whopping 20 dollars at the Wynn. And bonus: we won 6 dollars! Technically, we lost $14. But really…we won $6!

I have to say the highlight of the 24 hours we spent there were our celebrity run-ins. Toby Keith made full body to body contact with me as he drunkenly fell backwards while air boxing with some groupie at the Wynn Casino. I am so not kidding. Also, it was especially awkward because I don’t wear heels often and this really threw my concentration on not falling over regardless.

Our other run in was when Pitbull decided to make a surprise appearance at some raging party a floor above us as we were dozing off that night. And yes, I’m sure it was Pitbull because we all know he is basically famous for his weird voice. Plus, when we called the front desk to complain…“No, Mr. Cook, we do not have a club in our hotel.” “Yes, Mr. Cook, we have attempted to shut the party down after multiple complaints.” “Well, you see Mr. Cook…it’s…it’s Pitbull”. Awkward. Not even the Four Seasons can control Pitbull and his raspy voice.

Here are some photos from our day there!


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